These days, you could read a lot of stories, news reports and discussions about the best male enhancement pills online. But there's also some people who complained about the damaging side effects that the pill gave them. So if you're someone who's looking for the best male enhancement product to buy, make sure that all ingredients are natural and safe. More on this: Cock Expansion.
Unless you're already massively-endowed, you probably wouldn't say 'no' to a few extra inches being added to the size of your penis. Most men wouldn't, because penis size is still a major cause of male anxiety in the Western world today. But most men are simultaneously reluctant to venture too far into the field of penis enlargement, and who can blame them? Too many of the techniques used to boost penis size look plain scary when they aren't just obviously mad. To pick a path through this tangled maze you need a reliable guide. I've tried virtually all methods of penis enlargement there are, and in this article I'll share what I've learned...
What's the best method?
See also: Cock ExpansionFirst of all, forget about surgery. Apart from being terrifying and messy, with innumerable possible unpleasant complications, surgery is almost totally hopeless. It can't improve the size of your ERECT penis, only add a couple of cosmetic inches to your flaccid member - and in 7 cases out of 10, it doesn't even do that. So surgery's out. Along with surgery, throw out: penis pumps, penis extenders, systems which work by attaching weights to your penis, and growth hormone pills. All these things are at best useless, and at worst, very dangerous to the health of your penis.
What does that leave?
Well, it leaves the natural enhancement methods of penis enlargement. These methods are safe, and don't involve shelling out large amounts of money for drugs or equipment. But what will probably interest you more about natural enhancement is the fact that this method WORKS. Unlike the other methods, natural enhancement regularly produces verifiable gains of at least 3 inches, often more. I used natural enhancement myself, and can confirm its effectiveness: I gained nearly 4 inches. So unless you're one of the lucky few who can pass on the offer of a few more inches, I recommend natural enhancement to you whole-heartedly...
See also: Cock Expansion
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