There are many varieties of enhancement pills that are being sold in the market these days and all of these brands would claim that their products are the most effective of all. So if you're someone who's looking for the best male enhancement product to buy, make sure that all ingredients are natural and safe. More on this: Does the penis extender work.
As I was looking for way to get bigger, I saw a video online about surgical penis enlargement and how much more mainstream the operation was becoming. To me, the thought of putting my penis "under the knife" in an attempt to get bigger was a bit extreme... even if I did long to be able to please my girlfriend better. Luckily, I decided to research the procedure a little more before making any decision about it...
The first thing I found so incredible was that men were paying THOUSANDS of dollars for this surgery. In fact, many of the clinics willing to perform such an operation ran in the $5,000-$6,000 range, which was a little out of my league. Furthermore, surgical penis enlargement had been known to have an alarmingly low satisfaction rate, with many who had undergone the surgery complaining of chronic pain, internal bleeding, and the complete inability to get an erection.
See also: Does the penis extender workI started to wonder, "why would a guy pay thousands of dollars for such a risky method?" And then it hit me: You don't have a choice these days. Women are constantly hit with the mentality that bigger is better and in order to please your lover in bed, a man needs to be packing a penis that will live his girl in awe. Sex for women is very much a mental endeavor, and so if she THINKS you're big enough to satisfy her, then you are.
Of course, this still didn't really convince me to go have some doctor cut ligaments in my penis, and so I looked for my own solution. After dropping several hundred dollars on various products, it became obvious that penis enlargement exercises were that "secret ingredient" I had been missing. OK, that sounds a little cheesy, but I had finally found a method that put me in direct control of my gains. Unlike surgical penis enlargement, these "exercises" only require you to use your hands and to have 5-10 minutes alone each day.
They work by having you rub your penis while it is lubricated in targeted exercises that squeeze blood throughout your chamber walls (this is completely painless). As this new stress is applied, your body responds by increasing cell production in the penis (this is a response much like the way in which muscles get bigger when you work out). Over time, the tissues of the penis are able to grow larger than before, thus allowing them to hold more blood and resulting in a penis that is not only longer but also thicker.
See also: Does the penis extender work
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