Wouldn't it be amazing if you could grow 2 extra inches to your penis size in less than 2 months... naturally and permanently? It's possible! Best way to grow your penis - find out how.
What is the average grown man's penis size? There have actually been many studies done on this subject, though some of them were conducted in ways that were more conducive to accurate results than others. By pulling results from the most reliable studies on penis size, I provide you in this article the true average length and girth for grown men. The results may surprise and even relieve you - I know they did me when I first encountered them years ago. However, if you are still unsatisfied with how you measure up, there are legitimate ways to get a longer, thicker penis fast. I went from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around.
What is the true average penis size for grown men?
See also: Best way to grow your penisLooking only at studies which met a few criteria, such as the men being randomly selected, the sample size being large, and their erections being chemically induced and measured by staff members and not themselves, the average appears to sit right at 6.5 inches long and 5 inches around. Considering that before reading these results, the only erect penises I ever saw besides my own were in adult films, I was surprised and relieved to learn that average is smaller than I thought.
I still don't like how I measure up. Is there really a way to get bigger?
Absolutely. Lots of guys think surgery is the only way to get a bigger penis, but the truth is that surgery is not even the most effective method. You can get more significant results from natural penis enlargement, where you apply manual techniques to the areas and chambers of the penis that can be enlarged using just your hands, and you don't have to worry about the extreme risks or costs of surgery. That is how I went from 5.5 inches to over 8 inches. Study up on natural enlargement using unbiased sources and take action immediately. You can be sporting a noticeably larger penis within two weeks!
See also: Best way to grow your penis
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